Site Rules


1. All persons must sign in before shooting

2. Any person under 15 must be supervised by a shotgun certificate holder of, or over 21

3. No alcohol is allowed on the ground before or during shooting

4. No person who appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs will be allowed on the shooting ground.

5. The owners of any shotguns used on the ground are solely responsible for security of those guns as stated on their shotgun certificate.


1. Only fibre wads to be used.

2. Only commercially loaded cartridges to be used (no home loads).

3. No cartridge greater than 28 grams load and greater than English number 6 shot to be used.


1. All shooting must cease immediately on hearing the safety whistle and guns unloaded. Shooting will only recommence on the authority of the shoot manager.

2. Mounting of any gun for the purpose of checking ‘gun fit’ may only take place on a recognized shooting stand with the gun pointed in the normal shooting direction and empty, unless otherwise approved by the shoot manager.

3. All spent cartridges to be placed in the approved bins.

4. When on the shooting ground all guns must be carried to and from shooting stands in an unloaded condition.

5. Under no circumstances will a person be allowed to have a loaded shotgun in his/her possession whether open or not, EXCEPT on a designated firing point.

6. No shooting is allowed other than from a designated firing point.

7. Shooting or attempted shooting of live quarry is not permitted at any time.

8. No person should alter, attempt to alter or refill a trap unless they have been instructed in its safe and proper use and granted explicit permission to do so.

9. ANY person acting in a dangerous or irresponsible manner, whether shooting or not will be asked to leave the ground and reported to the CPSA or Police, whichever is deemed suitable. Bad language and abusive behavior will also not be tolerated, please do not put us in the difficult position of having to ask you to leave.

These rules apply to all persons attending Woodspring Clay Shoot and should be followed.

Persons who do not adhere to these rules may be asked to leave the ground at the shoot managers discretion.

Repeated failure to comply with the site rules may result in suspension and/or legal action.

Please ask if you are unsure of or have any issues with the above stated rules.